
Your child’s education is very important. Regular school attendance will help them fulfill their potential and ensure they have a brighter future.

We all want the best for our children. Going to school every day will help your child learn, develop and achieve. It will build confidence, friendship and ambition.

Children Missing Education Officers visit all schools regularly to check on pupil attendance. They look for key indicators of children with below 90% and 85% attendance and follow these up.

Is your child ill?

Phone the school office before 9.30 a.m. and leave a message on the absence line. You should phone each day unless you are able to give an indication of the length of absence of the first day (remember to mention which clubs your child might be missing). No return to school within 48 hours of the last bout of sickness/diarrhoea.

Recording attendance information

In line with Government directives, notified absences for legitimate reasons are recorded as ‘authorised absences’, all other absences are recorded as ‘unauthorised absences’

Attendance data is recorded onto a computer system at the end of each week with reminder letters automatically generated, to parents, if the reason for an absence has not been input.

If at any time you are concerned about your child’s level of attendance then please feel free to make an appointment to see either the class teacher or Head Teacher.


The school bell rings in the morning at 8.35 am and children should arrive before 8.45 am when registration ends. Children arriving after 8.45 am should report to the office. If children arrive after registration is closed they will be recorded in the register with a late mark. Children arriving after 9.00 am will be marked with an unauthorised absence for the morning session.  Children who are consistently late to school may be referred to the Children Missing Education Officer.

Holidays in Term Time

Holidays in term time are strongly discouraged. Holidays only be authorised in exceptional circumstances, where the child’s attendance is already very good. Without a compelling reason why that holiday must be in term-time, it will not be authorised. Click here  to requests a students absence.

Please do not ask for any leave of absence if you can possibly avoid it. If you do need to make a request, please be sure that the circumstances are exceptional.

For further information on school attendance and what to do if you think a child or young person may be missing from education please contact The Children Missing Education Service on 01225 394241, email