Forest school and the environment

We are really lucky to have fantastic grounds including a large field, forest area, school garden and separate wildlife/ pond area. We have tried counting our trees (harder than you would think - when is a tree a tree and when is it a sapling?!) and we think we have over 200 trees on our site, covering approximatley 1200 square metres, with at least 11 different species.
We are determined to make the most of this environment to support our children's physical and mental health, their appreciation for nature and their understanding of the individual actions we can all take to help address the climate crisis.

Environmental Action Plan

We are currently developing a comprehensive environmental action plan to include actions on reducing energy use, reducing food waste, and eliminating single-use plastics in school. Raising awareness and understanding amongst our children, families and staff about what we can all do as individuals will be key.

We will publish a draft plan to consult with all of our stakeholders - children, families, staff and the wider community.

It is our intention to work towards the EcoSchools Green Flag Accreditation and Plastic Free Schools Award.

Forest School

Forest School is a unique educational experience and process that offers children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland environment.

Children engage in motivating and achievable tasks and activities throughout the year and in almost all weathers. Children will work with tools, play, learn boundaries of behaviour; both physical and social, grow in confidence, self- esteem and motivation whilst developing an understanding of the natural world.

Gardening Club

Our Gardening Club is incredibly popular. Run by our green-fingered Mrs Edgell, our children grow produce in our school garden and maintain our planters round school. Our school has been known to regularly win gold and silver awards in the Bath in Blow/ Southwest in Bloom competitions, in the community garden section. We very much hope that the competition runs again in the near future!