
In this area you will find information and support if you are a parent or carer of a child with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. There is also information on supporting mental health & wellbing. Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Ms Sarah Biss.

MSN Primary School SEND Information Report 2023

Bath and North East Somerset SEND Local Offer

The Graduated Approach

Useful links & resources for parents & carers  

Specialist Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion Panel Fact Sheet for Parents

Bath & North East Somerset Parent Partnership Service

BANES Parent/Carer Forum

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD - A Compact Guide For Parents 


Speech & Language Therapy

Our Speech and Language Therapist visits weekly on a Monday.


BANES People and Communities Communications Team run the following services

1 Big Database Bathnes –
Support for a range of family issues, childcare, parenting support, benefits, school and much more

Rainbow Resource –
Here you will find information about organisations, activities and services for children and young people aged 0-25 years with special educational needs, disability and those requiring additional help.

WellBeing Options –
A wealth of information about wellbeing, activities, clubs, support at home to remain independent.

Telephone enquiries: 01225 394042 (Council Connect)