
At Midsomer Norton Primary our aim in the teaching of Mathematics is to equip our children with the skills and tools the subject offers for their use in everyday life, today and in their future. We also aim to show children that Mathematics can be enjoyed in its own right as a creative and fascinating subject. We strive to develop pupil's mathematical thinking and overall confidence so that they can realise their full potential.

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A daily mathematics lesson will be taught throughout Years 1 – 6. Mathematical activities, songs and games will be a daily part of learning in Early Years. Our school uses the Numbersense and White Rose Maths schemes to support teaching and learning.

This scheme follows the New National Curriculum 2014, which covers the following Programmes of Study:

  • Number - number and place value
  • Number - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Number - fractions (including decimals and percentages for KS2)
  • Measurement 
  • Geometry - position and direction
  • Geometry - properties of shape
  • Statistics (Year 2 upwards)
  • Ratio and Proportion (Year 6)
  • Algebra (Year 6)

From Year 1, maths homework is set weekly on a weekly basis. We believe in the mantra 'little and often' to develop key skills. Most homework is, therefore, designed to foster 'fluency'.

Pleaes find some helpful documents listed below-

Mathematical Vocabulary

Maths Yearly Overview

Long Term Maths Progression Grid

Yr 4 Multiplication Guide For Parents

Times Table Help

Mental Maths

A large part of the children's Mathematics lessons focuses on developing children's mental recall skills. These important facts feed in to many other areas of maths and it is really helpful for the children if they have a bank of basic number facts that they can draw upon with speed and ease. By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know their Times Tables up to 12 x 12 and the related division facts. These links provide a variety of online games which your child can use to practise their times tables at home.

Topmarks Hit the Button (KS1 and KS2)

Times Tables Challenge  (KS1 and KS2)

BBC Bitesize KS2

BBC Bitesize KS1

Topmarks (All ages)

Crickweb (KS2)

BBC Times Tables

Teaching Tables

Maths Games (All ages)

Maths Frame Games (KS2)

The Four Operations

When developing their calculation skills, children are encouraged to use their mental maths knowledge alongside any written methods they learn. These written methods progress and are built upon throughout each year group. Many parents comment that the written methods we teach are different to those they learnt when they were at school. Click here to download our calculation policy to see the method your child should be working with.

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