Eco School

We actively encourage recycling. In addition to taking advantage of the local authority's recycling programme, we are both members of and a public drop-off point for Terracycle. Through this scheme. we recycle crisp and biscuit packets and plastic pens.


We are also a dropoff point for Duracell's Big Battery Hunt and we provide a bank for recycling clothes and shoes whilst raising funds for the school. 

Our PTA runs a 'Previously Loved' uniform sale once a term to reduce the environmental impact of a child outgrowing their school uniform. 


Recycling at our School- we recycle our leftover food, plastics and paper at lunchtime.

Eco Schools Green Flag

We are working towards our Eco Schools green flag. Our environmental focus areas are biodiversity, litter and our school grounds. We have written an environmental action plan with our school Eco team. We celebrate Earth Day each year. This year our Eco team led a whole school assembly.

How to help the environment at home.

There are lots of things families can do at home to help with bio-diversity and give a helping hand to wildlife. You could build a bug hotel or a small pond to provide a home for many creatures whose habitats are under threat.


                           The Woodland Trust and the Wildlife Trust have step by step guides.